EcoBev Secure Beverage Disposal
Product disposal is a fact of doing business
Do you have a plan?
Designed specifically for use in the beverage industry, EcoBev offers a trusted partner and eco-friendly solution for the quick and confidential recovery, and disposal, of out-of-date, damaged, or recalled beverages. Dispose of your products responsibly while protecting brand integrity with our brewery waste management solution.

The convenient, discreet, and effective way to dispose of non-saleable beverages.
EcoBev is a great solution for routine disposal needs, like out-of-date products or seasonal overrun. Protect your bottom line by capturing unclaimed taxes and avoiding possibles fines and penalties for improper disposal.

EcoBev key features
- Nationwide network of certified recovery facilities
- Facilities are strategically located for efficiency
- Fast & discreet product removal from marketplace
- Economies of scale allow quicker end-to-end disposal
- Reduced administrative & logistical labor needs
- Complete confidentiality to protect brand integrity
- Protected chain of custody
- Frees up valuable warehouse space
- Superior logistics, cost-effective, & responsible
Our Customers rely on EcoBev

Frequently Asked Questions
Are all of your disposal facilitiy sites EPA compliant?
Yes. All EcoBev facilities are EPA compliant and properly recycle all waste. We never use landfills.
Can the BevPros assist us with Duty Drawback claims and/or TTB filings after a beer, wine or spirits disposal project is completed?
We do not file on the client’s behalf. Our system, however, does provide the client with the documentation required to file a claim.
Can the BevPros provide keg decanting only services?
Yes, we offer keg decanting only rates. Rates may differ by location; contact the BevPros to get a Keg Decanting Only rate.
Are beer, wine and or spirits and other non-alcoholic beverages recyclable?
Yes. Many may assume that the liquid waste in kegs simply gets dumped. However, local compliance laws may regulate or even forbid dumping without some form of treatment of alcohol products. There are several ways that beer and other forms of alcohol can be recycled including being made into ethanol, biofuel, composting and even animal feed.The cartons and containers are recycled.
Are beer kegs recyclable?
Stainless steel kegs can be recycled, however bear in mind, the average quality manufactured steel keg has a life cycle of 30 years.
Do I have to schedule my own transportation for a beverage disposal project?
No. It is an option if you prefer, however, we are able to provide transportation services from your location to the disposal facility.
Do the BevPros provide packaging disposal service as well?
How much does beverage disposal cost?
Our EcoBev solution is a fully customized service based on each of our client’s specific needs. After the exchange of some basic information, we provide our prospective clients with a proposal that includes cost, process, and destruction timelines.
How will I know the status of my beverage disposal project?
We have a dedicated team of professionals who manage the EcoBev process who will communicate with you through the destruction process. We provide our clients with an automated affidavit of destruction and documents that may be needed for tax reclamation and audit purposes.
I don’t have many heavy kegs; can I just load them with my empties?
Yes, but please contact your Kegspediter representative for guidance, so we can properly assist you in building the order for the optimal truck weight and loading.
If a brewer is not a current Kegspediter customer, can they still use the keg decanting service?
Yes. A proper beer keg decanting service is the only way to safely dispose of any liquid waste in the keg as well as any gasses such as N2, CO2, and other mixed gasses. We encourage any business in need of beer keg decanting to utilize a knowledgeable keg disposal service in order to ensure safety, environmental guideline compliance, and proper waste removal to protect our green environment.
Is the keg decanting service for other beverages the same as the one for beer?
Yes. Keg decanting services are important for any craft beverage including ciders, wines, and more. Regardless of a keg’s content, the process for safe keg and liquid waste management processes remain the same because they kegs may still contain gasses such as CO2 and N2.